
Kickstarter newsletter and more stuff to figure out

 Yesterday, "Are you my typeface?" got featured on the Kickstarter newsletter.  Thanks Kickstarter!  I had no idea that it had happened and only noticed when I started seeing pledges that had been referred from the newsletter page. It was really exciting.  I think the most exciting part was that people, especially parents, reacted so positively to the book. Every time someone mentioned they wanted to read the book with their children, it made me as a parent just step back and say "wow." That so many people have taken the time to pledge and send me messages is perhaps the most rewarding (no pun intended) part of the project so far.

There's still a lot of work done on my end, and the first order of business is to try and figure out international shipping. I'm really surprised and grateful for all of the support and interest this project has garnered from the international design and parenting community.  So hopefully I'm going to have the cost and logistics for international shipping figured out by the end of today and post updates on the main project page and in this space. Thanks for all of your help guys!


1 comment:

  1. Once the Kickstarter is over, how will folks be able to order additional copies? A friend of mine in Washington State would be interested in procuring a copy for the college library where she works.
